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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Homeschooling... Homeschooling...
Is it possible?
Here, in Indonesia?
And about the law?
Can homeschooler socialize?
You? You teach your child by yourself?

I'm wondering too... Yesterday I tried to googling, many times, contains "homeschool", "homeschooling indonesia", "homeschooling community indonesia", all for searching homeschool reference. Then it took me to Choi Da Hye's blog, made by her mom as a report of her homeschool activities. Now she's in second grade. I wrote email to mbak Ines, and it was nicely replied, thanks so much, mbak! And about HS, it all begin with one simple word, INTENTION. Millions people out there homeschool their children, for many reasons. Not for because they are stingy to pay amount for the school fee, but more because they are concern that our child right to has the best education, that our chil is unique and absolutely not equal to others.

For me, still a long way to get there. Still need much more time to think and learn. Mbak Ines, she need 2 years thoght before finally decided to homeschool Da Hye. Am I thinking something impossible if I wish I can do it too?

Back to the simple word, all I need is INTENTION.

*Thanks mbak Ines for the inspiration, such a bless to know you and your daughter :)
posted by Unknown @ 11:47:00 AM  
  • At September 07, 2006 4:22 PM, Blogger Donny said…

    Euh, bu...tapi perlu juga sih anak2 juga tahu kondisi sekolah2 pada umumnya. HomeSchooling memang bagus untuk memberikan pendidikan sesuai dengan yang 'kita' inginkan...tapi kadang kala kebutuhan anak terhadap 'interaksi' dengan lebih banyak orang juga penting sih...:p

    Tpi, gk ngerti yang jadi Ibu..:p

  • At September 07, 2006 5:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hmm... ini juga pasti dipertimbangkan... Sepertinya untuk sosialisasi sih nggak masalah, dari hasil nanya sama sang ibu dari homeschooler. Karna lebih banyak waktu luang jadi kesempatan berinteraksi sama lingkungan (gak cuma temen sebaya di sekolah) juga lebih besar.

    Au ah Don, aku juga masih belajar iniiii... Ya doakan saja, hehehe...

  • At September 07, 2006 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What a precious baby!
    I admire your interest in home schooling. Ines does a wonderful job teaching Da Hye at home!

  • At September 08, 2006 3:17 PM, Blogger NaBiL said…

    Nice, nice, jadi ikutan buka-buka link homeschool nih... Great, salut buat mereka... Mo coba? Mulai belajarnya musti dari sekarang, mumpung anaknya masih baby... Jadi kepengen... :)

  • At September 08, 2006 5:10 PM, Blogger Sri Mulyati said…

    Salut deh buat mommy yang mau menerapkan homeschooling. Berarti harus siap full di rumah yaks...kalopun kerja, part-timer kali yah...
    Lam kenal ya Mama Kintan, tukeran links yuk, biar gampang bertamunya :D

  • At September 11, 2006 2:29 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    thanks for the support, mommies...
    Ya ini sebatas keinginan dulu, dan tentunya harus belajar lebih dalam lagi, peninjauan dari sisi hukum, kurukulum, persiapan kita sebagai "calon guru" dsb, banyak sekali...

    Lagi bikin blog khusus yang berisi persiapan HS buat Kintan nih, moga2 cepet kelar...

  • At December 05, 2006 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello mama kintan, I'm mama nanan,7 now. I started homeschooling last January, it was not easy... but I love it now. As time goes by, we share mutual understanding of what we both need.
    It takes more than sending him to national plus school; time, creativity, heart, money. But what is a price for a priceless son or daughter? Not every child need homeschooling though. I'm sure a great mum like you know the best thing for her. Good luck & best regards...

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